• Scott is awarded an Australian Evaluation Society Fellowship in 2016.
  • Attending an Evalpartners forum held in Thailand in 2012.
  • Attending an Evalpartners forum held in Thailand in 2012.


More than 90 evaluation presentations

Scott has given over 90 evaluation presentations across a number of fields including international development, health, education, the environment, infrastructure, capacity building, and governance.

Here you can see a selection of presentations.

Press the play arrow to start. Presentation will advance automatically. Hover over the video to view the controls. You can pause, rewind or advance. Click on the arrow symbol to view in full screen.

Press the play arrow to start. Presentation will advance automatically. Hover over the video to view the controls. You can pause, rewind or advance. Click on the arrow symbol to view in full screen.

Press the play arrow to start. Presentation will advance automatically. Hover over the video to view the controls. You can pause, rewind or advance. Click on the arrow symbol to view in full screen.

Press the play arrow to start. Presentation will advance automatically. Hover over the video to view the controls. You can pause, rewind or advance. Click on the arrow symbol in the top right to view in full screen.

Press the play arrow to start. Presentation will advance automatically. Hover over the video to view the controls. You can pause, rewind or advance. Click on the arrow symbol to view in full screen.

Press the play arrow to start. Presentation will advance automatically. Hover over the video to view the controls. You can pause, rewind or advance. Click on the arrow symbol to view in full screen.

Scott presented at the Australian Evaluation Society conference in 2017

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 +61 452 509 756


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Scott Bayley Evaluation Services - Continuous Improvement


Fellow of the:

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