More than 70 evaluation reports published
Scott has published over 70 evaluation reports across a number of fields including international development, health, education, the environment, infrastructure, capacity building, and governance.
Here you can see a complete list of published reports. presentations and training workshops.
Hawkins, A. J., & Bayley, S. 2024, ‘Managing the risk of program failure: Propositional Evaluation as a tool for risk management’, Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 1-22. Advance online publication.
Astbury, B., and Bayley, S. 2023, ‘Evaluation in Australia’. In: Stockmann, R., Meyer, W., Zierke, N. (eds) The Institutionalisation of Evaluation in Asia-Pacific. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Bayley, S. 2023, Theories of Change for NIAA’s Seven Sectoral Programs, unpublished manuscripts for the National Indigenous Australian Agency, Canberra. (ToC for Influence, Engagement, and Investment in each of NIAA’s 7 program sectors)
Bayley, S. 2023, Characteristics of an Ideal Performance System, unpublished manuscript for the National Indigenous Australian Agency, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2023, Positioning NIAA’s investments. A conceptual model of NIAA’s role and strategic value add, unpublished manuscript for the National Indigenous Australian Agency, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2023, South Asia LNG Partnership: Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Plan, Oxford Policy Management for the Department of Industry, Science and Resources, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2023, Approaches to National Policy Influencing: Theory of Change for Policy Influence, unpublished manuscript for the National Indigenous Australians Agency, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2022, Meta Analysis of Evaluation Reports, Department and Health and Aged Care, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2022, Meta-Review to Assess Quality and Use of Indigenous Advancement Strategy Evaluations 2016-2020, ARTD for the National Indigenous Australians Agency Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2022, Cross Program Collaboration Review: Final Report, IOD PARC for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Indonesia.
Bayley, S. et al, 2021, Evaluation Maturity Model, ARTD for the Department of Education, Skills and Employment, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2021, A Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for the South Asia Water Security Initiative, Oxford Policy Management for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2021, Independent Evaluation of the Australian Volunteers Program, Tetra Tech for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2021, Rigorous Non-experimental Impact Evaluation Methods—Better Practice, Better Evaluation.
Bayley, S. et al, 2020, A Program Logic Model for the South Asia Water Security Initiative, Oxford Policy Management for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2021, The Challenges of Evaluating Social Services Programs, LinkedIn.
Bayley, S. 2021, Evaluation Capacity Building: How Leaders can Demonstrate their Support for Evaltion, LinkedIn.
Bayley, S. 2021, Evaluating Program Impacts: An Annotated Bibliography, LinkedIn.
Bayley, S. et al 2021, Independent Evaluation of the Australian Volunteers Program, Tetra Tech for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Bayley, S. 2021, Three Approaches to Measurement in Program Evaluation, LinkedIn.
Bayley. S. 2021, How to Promote Program Learning, LinkedIn.
Bayley, S. 2020, Impact Evaluation: Bayesian vs Frequentist Approaches, LinkedIn.
Bayley, S. 2020, A Program Logic Model and Results Framework for the Kokoda Initiative Partnership, unpublished manuscript for Abt Papua New Guinea.
Bayley, S. 2020, A Review of the Bridge Pacific Program, unpublished manuscript for Melbourne University.
Bayley. S. 2020, Good Reasons for Not Doing an Impact Evaluation, LinkedIn.
Bayley, S. 2020, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Plan for the Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific, Oxford Policy Management for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Bayley. S. et al 2020, Quality Standards for Evaluations and Reviews in DFAT - Discussion Paper: Is methodological anarchy the only alternative to undertaking a full evaluation?, Oxford Policy Management for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Bayley, S. 2020, Adaptive Management and Evaluation Designs – Strategies and Options, unpublished manuscript for Oxford Policy Management.
Bayley. S. 2020, Undertaking Rigorous Non-experimental Impact Evaluations, LinkedIn.
Bayley, S. et al 2020, Evaluation of the Kokoda Initiative, Oxford Policy Management for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Bayley, S. 2020, Process Tracing - A Better Approach to Impact Evaluation? LinkedIn.
Bayley, S. et al 2019, Evaluation of the Sustainable Development Investment Portfolio, Oxford Policy Management for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Bayley, S. and Rutter, A. 2019, Meet the Fellows: An insightful Conversation with Scott Bayley, Blog for the Australian Evaluation Society.
Bayley, S. 2019, A Program Logic Model and M&E Framework for QTAG’s Work Program in Papua New Guinea, Oxford Policy Management, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2019, Improving the Monitoring and Evaluation of Facilities in the Australian Aid Program, DEVPOLICY Blog, Australian National University.
Bayley, S. et al 2019, Plan for an Evaluation of DFAT’s Sustainable Development Investment Portfolio, Australian National University.
Bayley. S. et al, 2019, Church Partnership Program – Mid-term Review, Oxford Policy Management for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Bayley, S. 2019, Evaluating Program Impacts: An Annotated Bibliography, LinkedIn.
Bayley, S. et al, 2019, Annual Review of the Australia-Papua New Guinea Governance Partnership, Oxford Policy Management for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Bayley, S. et al 2019, 2nd Submission to the Independent Review of the Australian Public Service, Australian Evaluation Society Ltd.
Bayley. S. et al, 2019, PACER Plus M and E Design Thinking Final Report, Oxford Policy Management for the NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Bayley, S. et al, 2018, Response to the Independent Review of the APS, a submission by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2018, Principles for the Operation of Quality and Technical Advisory Groups, unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2018, Doing Development Differently: Evaluation for Accountability or Learning? unpublished manuscript for the DFAT/DFID/USAID/World Bank working group on evaluation for adaptive management.
Bayley, S. 2018, Performance Assessment Frameworks - Good Practice Note, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2018, Explanatory Note on Program Logic, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2018, Review of UNICEF’s Evaluation Policy, unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2018, Managing for Development Results: An Organisational Diagnostic Framework, LinkedIn.
Bayley, S. 2018, Moderation of Aid Quality Checks – Guidance Notes, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2018, The Senior Responsible Officer Initiative: Suggested Program Logic and M&E, unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2017, A Theory of Change for Policy Advocacy in Cambodia, unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2017, Measuring the Hard to Measure in DFAT – Some Suggestions, unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2017, Submission to the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 and Rule — Independent Review, Australasian Evaluation Society, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2017, Impact Evaluation Methods: Annotated Bibliography, LinkedIn.
Bayley, S. 2017, Reforming the Aid Investment Quality Reporting Process, unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2017, How Organisational Leaders Can Demonstrate Their Support for Evaluation, Evaluation Capacity Development Group, Geneva.
Bayley, S. 2017, Types of Evaluation Use and Preparing High Quality Recommendations, LinkedIn.
Bayley, S. 2017, Challenges in the Australian Aid Program and Potential Responses, unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2017, Evaluation for Accountability or Learning: What’s the Difference? Evaluation Capacity Development Group, Geneva.
Bayley, S. 2017, Glossary of Terms for the Australian Aid Program, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2017, A Theory of Change for DFAT’s International Media Visits Program, unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2017, The Symptoms and Causes of Underperforming Public Programs, LinkedIn article.
Bayley, S. 2017, Positioning the Australian Aid Program, unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2017, Effective Evaluation Polices in Public Sector Agencies, LinkedIn article.
Bayley, S. et al, 2017, Aid Investment Quality Reporting - Good Practice Note, (policy guidance) Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2017, International Aid: Characteristics of a Sound Theory of Change, LinkedIn article.
Bayley, S. 2016, Review of DFAT’s Aid Quality Processes, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2016, Types of Evaluation Use and Preparing High Quality Recommendations, Evaluation Capacity Development Group, Geneva.
Bayley, S. et al, 2016, Developing and Using Country Program Assessment Frameworks, seminar, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2016, Aid Quality in PNG: Implications for Future Country Programming, unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2016, Assessment of the World Bank’s IDA Results Management Scheme, unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2016, Good Practice Note: 2016, 2015-16 Aid Investment Quality Reporting, (policy paper) Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2016, Review of the Green Climate Fund’s Performance Reporting Framework, unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2015, The Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation’s Theory of Change: An Exposition and Critique, Expert Advisory Group to the UN’s Joint Steering Committee.
Bayley, S. 2015, Review of the Asian Development Bank’s Results Framework, unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2015, Rapid Review of Investment Quality Reporting Processes in the Aid Program, unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2015, The Characteristics of an Ideal Theory of Change, unpublished discussion paper, Expert Advisory Group to the UN’s Joint Steering Committee.
Bayley, S. et al (eds), 2015, Evaluations that Make a Difference: Stories from Around the World, EvalPartners.
Bayley, S. et al, 2015, Recommendations for the Monitoring of the Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation, discussion paper, Expert Advisory Group to the UN’s Joint Steering Committee.
Bayley, S. 2015, Disaster reconstruction authorities: lessons from experience, unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2015, The Australian Aid Programming Guide: An Assessment Using ANAO’s Criteria for Successful Policy Implementation, unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2014, Glossary of Terms for the Australian Aid Program, unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2014, Performance Management Systems in the Australian Aid Program: What is Unique and Effective? unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2014, Quality at Implementation in the Papua New Guinea Program, unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2014, Review of the Philippines Provincial Roads Management Facility, unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2014, Submission to the Department of Finance on the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013, Australasian Evaluation Society.
Bayley, S. et al, 2013, New Colombo Plan: Project and Program Plan Draft, unpublished manuscript, AusAID, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2013, AusAID Results Action Plan 2014-2016, unpublished manuscript, AusAID, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2012, Evaluating Sustainability Victoria’s Strategic Plan 2012-2015: A Concept Paper, unpublished manuscript, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. 2012, Purposeful Evaluation Capacity Development, Evaluation Capacity Development Group, Geneva.
Bayley, S. 2012, Analysis of Client and Performance Data to Support the Organizational Restructure, Department of Human Services, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2012, An International Workshop Agreement on Evaluation Capacity Development, Evaluation Capacity Development Group, Geneva.
Bayley, S. et al, 2011, Competencies for Development Evaluation Evaluators, Managers, and Commissioners, International Development Evaluation Association.
Bayley, S. et al, 2011, Compliance with Child Protection Supervision Standards Practice, Department of Human Services, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2011, Evaluating program impacts and effects: A list of references and resources, International Organisation for Cooperation in Evaluation.
Bayley, S. et al, 2011, Kinship Carers Criminal Records Check: Compliance Review, Department of Human Services, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2011, Proposal for CompStat in DHS, Board paper, Department of Human Services, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2011, Lapsed Protection Order Compliance Review, Department of Human Services, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2011, Proposal for a Balanced Scorecard in DHS, Board paper, Department of Human Services, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2011, Category One Incidents Ministerial Briefing Process: Compliance Review, Department of Human Services, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al 2010, Analysis of Incident Reporting Data relating to Client Deaths, Board paper, Department of Human Services, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al 2010, Analysis of Medication Errors in Disability Services, Board paper, Department of Human Services, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al 2010, Special Evaluation Study: Post-Completion Sustainability of ADB Assisted Projects, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. et al 2010, Validation Report, Pakistan: Access to Justice Program, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. et al 2010, Validation Report, Timor Leste: Emergency Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. 2010, 'The Limitations of Econometric Methods for Impact Evaluations', Evaluation Connections, no. 3, pp. 6.
Bayley, S. et al 2009, Review of M&E Capacities and Systems in Selected Asian Countries, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. et al, 2009, Performance Evaluation Report: Bangladesh – Ninth Power Project, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. et al 2009, 'The Independent Evaluation Department', chapter in Annual Report for 2008, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. et al 2009, 'Improving Project, Program & Policy Performance in Developing Countries through Managing for Development Results', Evaluation Journal of Australasia, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 14-27.
Bayley, S. et al 2009, Performance Evaluation Report: Bangladesh – Third Natural Gas Development Project, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. et al 2009, Technical Assistance for Capacity Development in Results-Based Monitoring for Countries under ADB's Central Asia Regional Cooperation Program, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. et al 2009, Validation Report, Kiribati: Sanitation, Public Health, and Environment Improvement Project, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. et al 2009, The Evidence Requirements for Impact Evaluations, submission to the NONIE Working Group on Impact Evaluations, unpublished manuscript, International Organisation for Cooperation in Evaluation.
Bayley, S. 2009, Improving IED's Annual Reporting Practices, unpublished manuscript, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. 2009, Independent Evaluation at the Asian Development Bank, presentation at the Shanghai International Program for Development Evaluation Training, Shanghai China.
Bayley, S. et al 2009, Validation Report, Indonesia: Capacity Building in Urban Infrastructure Management Project, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. et al 2009, Proposed Learning and Development Program for the Independent Evaluation Department, unpublished manuscript, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. 2008, Strategies and Options for Enhancing the Profile of ADB’s Operational Evaluation Department, unpublished manuscript, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. 2008, Proposed Special Evaluation Study of ADB’s Communities of Practice, unpublished manuscript, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. et al, 2008, Country Assistance Program Evaluation: Mongolia, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. 2008, Performance Evaluation Report: Mongolia - Governance Reform Program, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. 2008, The Program Evaluation Standards, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. 2008, Maximizing the Use of Evaluation Findings, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. ‘A Preliminary Assessment of Managing for Development Results in ADB’, Results Matter, April 2008, pp. 3-4.
Bayley, S. et al 2007, Special Evaluation Study: Managing for Development Results in the Asian Development Bank: A Preliminary Assessment, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. et al 2007, Acting on Recommendations and Learning from Lessons in 2007: Increasing Value Added from Operations Evaluation, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. et al, 2007, Implementation of Results-Based Management: A Literature Review, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. et al 2007, Capacity Development for Monitoring and Evaluation (Financed by the Government of the People’s Republic of China), Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. et al 2007, Using Plain English in the Operations Evaluation Department: A Methodological Guide, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. et al 2007, State Investment in Major Events, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2006, Government Vehicle Disposals, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. 2006, Strategic Audit Plan 2006-2009: Environment Sector, unpublished manuscript, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2006, Docklands Film and Television Studios – Status of the State’s Interest, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. 2005, Strategic Audit Plan 2005-2008: Industry Sector, unpublished manuscript, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2005, In Good Hands: Smart Recruiting for a Capable Public Sector, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2005, ‘Report on Public Sector Agencies – Policy Advice’, International Journal of Government Auditing, vol. 32, no. 2, p.4.
Bayley, S. et al, 2005, Operation of the Regional Infrastructure Development Fund, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2005, Managing Stormwater Flooding Risks in Melbourne, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. 2005, Strategic Audit Plan 2005-2008: Agricultural Sector, unpublished manuscript, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2004, Development of Policy Advice, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2004, How Well was the Prison Bed Expansion Program Managed? Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2004, Managing Offenders on Community Correction Orders, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2004, The Delivery of Home and Community Care Services by Local Government, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2003, Addressing the Needs of Victorian Prisoners, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. 2003, Benchmarking the Performance Auditing Function Across Australia: A Proposed Methodology, unpublished manuscript, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2003, ‘Drug Education in Government Schools’, Evaluation Journal of Australasia, vol. 3, no. 1, p.55.
Bayley, S. et al, 2003, Follow-up of Performance Audit Reports Tabled 2000-2001, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2003, Administration of Study Assistance by Government Departments, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2003, Drug Education in Government Schools, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2002, Rural Ambulance Services Follow-up, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2002, Mental Health Services for People in Crisis, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2002, Waste Management Follow-up, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2002, ‘International Students in Victorian Universities’, Evaluation Journal of Australasia, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 58-61.
Bayley, S. et al, 2002, ‘International Students in Victorian Universities’, People and Place, vol. 10, no. 2 pp. 45-56.
Bayley, S. et al, 2002, International Students in Victorian Universities, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. 2002, Proposed Methodology for Conducting Follow-up Studies, unpublished manuscript, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2001, ‘Evaluation of Emergency Treatment and Follow-up for Deliberate Self-Harming Youth Aged 15-24’, Evaluation Journal of Australasia, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 66-67.
Bayley, S. et al 2001, Life Matters: Management of Deliberate Self Harm in Young People, Office of the Auditor General, Perth.
Bayley, S. 2001, ‘Rasch vs Traditional Measurement Theory’, Rasch Measurement Transactions, vol. 15, no. 1.
Bayley, S. et al 2001, Righting the Wrongs: Complaints Management in the Western Australian Public Sector, Office of the Auditor General, Perth.
Bayley, S. 2001, ‘Characteristics of an Ideal Program’, Evaluation Journal of Australasia, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 62.
Bayley, S. et al, 2001, Implementing and Managing Community Based Sentences, Office of the Auditor General, Perth.
Bayley, S. 2001, ‘Measuring Customer Satisfaction’, Evaluation Journal of Australasia, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 8-17.
Bayley, S. 2000, ‘Not-for-Profit Organisations: Contracting the Delivery of Community Services in WA’, Ingovernment, vol. 2, no. 7.
Bayley, S. 2000, 'Applying the Program Evaluation Standards', Evaluation News and Comment, vol. 9, no. 1.
Bayley, S. 2000, 'Judging the Quality of Survey Research: A Checklist', Evaluation News and Comment, vol. 9, no. 1.
Bayley, S. 2000, A Means to an End: Contracting not-for-profit organisations for the Delivery of Community Services, Office of the Auditor General, Perth.
Bayley, S. et al 1999, Getting Better All the Time: Health sector performance indicators, Office of the Auditor General, Perth.
Bayley, S. 1998, Measuring Customer Satisfaction: Comparing Traditional and Latent Trait Approaches Using the Auditor General’s Client Survey, unpublished Master’s thesis, Murdoch University, Perth.
Bayley, S. et al 1998, Listen and Learn: Using Customer Surveys to Report Performance in the WA Public Sector, Office of the Auditor General, Perth.
Bayley, S. 1998, The Provision and Financing of Australian Health Services, unpublished manuscript.
Bayley, S. 1997, A Framework for Program Evaluation in DSC, unpublished manuscript, Disability Services Commission, Perth.
Bayley, S. et al 1997, A Framework for Evaluating Disability Service Plans, unpublished manuscript, Disability Services Commission, Perth.
Bayley, S. 1997, A Review of DSC’s Program Structure, unpublished manuscript, Disability Services Commission, Perth.
Bayley, S. et al 1996, Learning the Lessons: Financial Management in Government Schools, Office of the Auditor General, Perth.
Bayley, S. et al 1996, Stocktake of the Education Policy Portfolio, unpublished manuscript, Office of the Auditor General, Perth.
Bayley, S. 1996, Grants to Non-Government Organisations, Office of the Auditor General, Perth.
Bayley, S. et al 1995, Hospital Emergency Departments, Office of the Auditor General, Perth.
Bayley, S. et al 1995, Value for Money in TAFE, Office of the Auditor General, Perth.
Bayley, S. 1995, Modelling Audit Hours, unpublished manuscript, Office of the Auditor General, Perth.
Bayley, S. et al 1994, Special Report: Public Sector Performance Indicators 1993-94, Office of the Auditor General, Perth.
Bayley, S. et al 1994, Modelling Youth Unemployment, unpublished manuscript.
Bayley, S. et al 1994, 'The Experience of the Office of Evaluation and Audit in Identifying and Utilising Stakeholders in the Conduct of its Evaluations', Evaluation News and Comment, vol. 3, no. 1.
Bayley, S. et al 1994, Plan for an Evaluation Study of the One World Centre's Education Project, unpublished manuscript.
Bayley, S. 1993, Responding to Evaluation Findings – Handy Hints for Program Managers, unpublished manuscript.
Bayley, S. 1993, Wages Policy in Australia Since 1983, unpublished manuscript.
Bayley, S. et al 1993, Impact Evaluation: Heritage Protection Policy, ATSIC, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 1993, 'Evaluation Reports: From Data to Recommendations', Evaluation News and Comment, vol. 2, no. 1.
Bayley, S. 1993, Promoting Utilisation Through Situationally Responsive Recommendations, unpublished manuscript, ATSIC, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 1993, Options for Policy Analysis and Evaluation: A Guide for Program Managers, ATSIC, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 1993, 'The Evaluation Cycle in the Commonwealth Government', Evaluation News and Comment, vol. 2, no. 1.
Bayley, S. 1992, Evaluation of Grant Administration, ATSIC, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 1992, Geographical Evaluations - A Discussion Paper, unpublished manuscript, ATSIC, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 1991, A Code of Ethics for Child Welfare Workers, unpublished manuscript, Department of Health and Community Services, Darwin.
Bayley, S. 1991, Surviving and Thriving in the Public Service, seminar paper, Department of Health and Community Services, Darwin.
Bayley, S. et al 1990, The Opiate Dependency Questionnaire, unpublished manuscript, Northern Territory University, Darwin.
Bayley, S. 1989, The Treatment of Juvenile Petrol Sniffing in Traditionally Orientated Aboriginal Communities: Research, Programs and Issues, unpublished thesis, Northern Territory University, Darwin.
Bayley, S. 1986, Proposal for a Hedland Juvenile Offenders Program, Department for Community Services, Perth Australia.
Bayley, S. 1985, Proposal for a Youth Advocacy Service, Hedland Community Youth Service, Port Hedland. Australia.
Bayley, S. 2024, Help! I’m Doing an Impact Evaluation, What Evidence do I Need? presentation for Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2024, Perspectives on the appropriate use of RCTs in evaluation: A rejoinder, panel discussion at the Australian Evaluation Society’s Melbourne conference.
Bayley, S. 2023, Patterns and themes in NIAA’s performance measures, presentation for the National Indigenous Australia Agency, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2023, The Role of RCTs in Evaluating Public Sector Programs, keynote panel discussion at Australian Evaluation Society conference, Brisbane.
Bayley, S. 2023, Help! I’m Doing an Impact Evaluation, What Evidence do I Need? presentation for Australian Evaluation Society conference, Brisbane.
Bayley, S et al 2023, Developing and implementing an effective evaluation maturity model, presentation for Australian Evaluation Society conference, Brisbane.
Bayley, S. 2023, Policy Influencing: examples and lessons, presentation for the National Indigenous Australia Agency, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2022, Why Programs fail: The symptoms and causes of underperforming government programs, seminar for the Australian Evaluation Society, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al 2021, Preliminary Findings: Performance case studies to measure the longer-term outcomes of better evidence from the IAS Evaluation Framework, ARTD for the National Indigenous Australians Agency, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2021, Key Performance Indicators: Are they a realistic solution or unnecessary distraction for results management?, seminar for the Malaysian Evaluation Society.
Bayley, S. 2021, Independent Evaluation of the Australian Volunteers Program: Preliminary Findings, Tetra Tech for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra. (a workshop for DFAT, program staff, international partners, and advisory experts)
Bayley, S. et al, 2020, Preliminary Findings: Evaluation of the Kokoda Initiative, Oxford Policy Management for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Papua New Guinea.
Bayley, S. and Regmi, B. 2019, Preliminary Findings: Evaluation of the Sustainable Development Investment Portfolio, presentation at the SDIP Annual Dialogue Forum, Nepal.
Bayley. S. et al, 2019, Preliminary Findings: Church Partnership Program – Mid-term Review, Oxford Policy Management for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Papua New Guinea.
Bayley, S. et al, 2019, Preliminary Findings: Annual Review of the Australia-Papua New Guinea Governance Partnership, Oxford Policy Management for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Bayley, S. et al, 2019, A Program Logic Model for PACER Plus, presentation for MFAT New Zealand.
Bayley, S. 2018, Monitoring and Evaluation Basics Revealed, DFAT. This short video examines the fundamentals of monitoring and evaluation of aid expenditure.
Bayley, S. et al 2018, How Sustained and Resilient are our Impacts? Perspectives from Multilaterals, Bilaterals and International NGO evaluators, panel presentation at the European Evaluation Society Conference, Greece.
Bayley, S. et al 2018, Conflict within Evaluation, panel presentation at the European Evaluation Society Conference, Greece.
Bayley, S. et al 2018, Accountability in Evaluation for Sustained and Resilient Impacts, roundtable discussion at the European Evaluation Society Conference, Greece.
Bayley, S. 2018, Performance Leadership: The Key to Strengthening Evaluation Systems and Program Outcomes, presentation at the European Evaluation Society Conference, Greece.
Bayley, S. 2018, Help! I’m Doing an Impact Evaluation, What Evidence do I Need? presentation at the European Evaluation Society Conference, Greece.
Bayley, S. et al 2018, Investment Quality Reporting, seminar series, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2017, Promoting Quality in the Australian Aid Program: Lessons From Experience, seminar for the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2017, I’m Doing an Impact Evaluation, What Evidence do I Need? seminar for the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2017, The Role of Monitoring and Evaluation in the Australian Aid Program, training video, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2017, Introduction to Theory of Change, seminar, Evaluation Community of Practice, Australian Public Service, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2017, Impact Evaluation Methods and Program Management, seminar, Social Impact Measurement Network of Australia, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2017, Developing a Performance Assessment Framework, seminar, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Suva.
Bayley, S. 2017, Performance Leadership: The Key to Strengthening Evaluation Systems and Program Outcomes, presentation at the Australasian Evaluation Society Conference, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2017, How to Manage for Results in 10 Minutes Using Common Evaluation Tools, presentation at the Australasian Evaluation Society Conference, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2017, Managing Conflict in Evaluations, panel discussion at the Australasian Evaluation Society Conference, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2017, Training the Trainer – Lessons from Experience, seminar, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2017, Introduction to Program Logic and Evaluation in the Australian Aid Program, seminar for locally engaged staff, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2017, Managing for Results in DFAT, seminar for the Pacific Community, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2017, Investment Quality Reporting, seminar on driving continuous improvement in the Australian aid program, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Vanuatu.
Bayley, S. et al 2017, Overarching Evaluation Policies and Systems in Commonwealth Departments, panel discussion, Evaluation Community of Practice, Australian Public Service, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2016, Evaluations That Make a Difference: Stories from Around the World, panel presentation, Canberra Evaluation Forum.
Bayley, S. 2016, International Lessons on Performance Management, seminar for diplomatic staff, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2016, Types of Evaluation Use and Preparing High Quality Recommendations, seminar, Australasian Evaluation Society, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2016, Evidence Requirements for Undertaking Impact Evaluations, presentation, Australian Public Service’s Evaluation Community of Practice, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2016, Enhancing the Implementation and Use of Evaluation Recommendations within DFAT, seminar, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2015, Monitoring and Evaluating Governance Programs: Why is it so Difficult? seminar, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. and Stoney, J. 2015, So Many Theories – So Little Time! seminar for the Australasian Evaluation Society, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2015, Strengthening Organisation Wide Monitoring and Evaluation Systems, seminar for the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2015, Strengthening M&E Systems and Skills – An Antidote to Cognitive Bias in Decision-Making, seminar, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2015, Implications of the Commonwealth’s Public Governance, Performance and Accountably Act 2013 for the Australian Aid Program, seminar, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. and Rojas, K. 2014, Challenges, Progress & Lessons in Managing for Results, presentation at the European Evaluation Society Conference, Dublin.
Bayley, S. et al, 2014, Evaluations that Make a Difference: Stories from Around the World, panel discussion at the European Evaluation Society Conference, Dublin.
Bayley, S. 2014, What Counts as Good Evidence and Rigorous Analysis? seminar, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2014, Interactive Evaluation Practice: Managing the Interpersonal Dynamics of Program Evaluation, seminar, Australasian Evaluation Society, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2014, An Introduction to Sampling, seminar, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2014, The Quality of Australia’s Official Development Assistance, seminar, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al 2014, Doing More with Less: Do Networks Work? seminar, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2014, Monitoring and Evaluating the Stronim Gavman Program in Papua New Guinea, presentation for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al 2014, Quality at Implementation for 2013 Aid Investments: What have we Learned? seminar, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al 2014, Developing Performance Assessment Frameworks, seminar, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2014, Measuring Performance: How to Get Your M&E Frameworks Right, seminar, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2014, Monitoring and Evaluating Capacity Building Investments, seminar presentation for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2013, Managing for Results in Ten Minutes, presentation for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2013, The Role of Evaluation in Managing for Results, presentation for the Philippines National M&E Forum, Manila.
Bayley, S. 2013, Building M and E Systems to Support Better Governance, presentation at the Philippines National M&E Forum, Manila.
Bayley, S. 2013, Four Universal Challenges in Impact Evaluation, panel discussion at the Asian Development Bank’s Impact Evaluation Conference, Manila.
Bayley, S. and Griffin, M. 2013, The How and Why of Collecting Performance Information, presentation at the Australasian Evaluation Society Conference, Brisbane.
Bayley, S. 2013, Evaluation Capacity Building: The International Experience, presentation for the Canberra Evaluation Forum, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2013, Developing Performance Assessment Frameworks, presentation at the AusAID Performance and quality conference, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2013, The International Experience of Managing for Results, presentation at the AusAID Performance and quality conference, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2013, Why Performance Information is Not Enough (by itself) to Drive Service Improvements, seminar for AusAID staff, Canberra.
Bayley, S., Owen, J. Cummings, R. and N. Stame, 2012 Does Performance Management Have a Future? - Issues and Challenges, Panel discussion at the European Evaluation Society Conference, Helsinki.
Bayley, S. 2012, Evaluation and Wicked Social Problems, presentation for the Australasian Evaluation Society, Melbourne.
Bayley, S., Owen, J. Cummings, R. and N. Stame, 2012, Does Performance Management Have a Future? - Issues and Challenges, Panel discussion at the Australasian Evaluation Society Conference, Adelaide.
Bayley, S. 2011, Managing for Results: Using Performance Information to Improve Services - Constraints and Opportunities, seminar for the Department of Human Services, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. 2011, Improving Business Intelligence: Environmental Scanning, presentation for the Department of Human Services, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. 2010, The Limitations of Econometric Methods for Impact Evaluation, presentation at the European Evaluation Society Conference, Prague.
Bayley, S. et al 2010, Global Networking to Promote the Evaluation Profession, panel discussion at the European Evaluation Society Conference, Prague.
Bayley, S. 2010, Why Programs Fail, seminar for the Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. 2010, Evaluation and International Development: Tales from the Front, seminar for the Australasian Evaluation Society, Perth.
Bayley, S. 2010, Building M&E Systems to Support Better Government, seminar for the Australasian Evaluation Society, Perth.
Bayley, S. 2010, Maximizing the Use of Evaluation Findings, seminar, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. 2009, Evaluation Capacity Building: The International Experience, presentation at the Shanghai International Program for Development Evaluation Training, Shanghai China.
Bayley, S. 2008, Evaluation Capacity Building: The International Experience, keynote presentation at the Australasian Evaluation Society Conference, Perth.
Bayley, S. 2008, Improving Project, Program & Policy Performance in Developing Countries through Managing for Development Results, presentation at the Australasian Evaluation Society Conference, Perth.
Bayley, S. 2008, Evaluation Capacity Building: The International Experience, presentation at the Shanghai International Program for Development Evaluation Training, Shanghai China.
Bayley, S. 2008, Evaluation of the Nanpu Bridge Project, presentation at the Shanghai International Program for Development Evaluation Training, Shanghai China.
Bayley, S. 2008, Evaluation for Accountability or Learning? seminar paper, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. 2008, Developing a Strategic Evaluation Work Plan, seminar paper, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. 2007, Building Evaluation Capacity, presentation at the Shanghai International Program for Development Evaluation Training, Shanghai China.
Bayley, S. 2007, Evaluation Reporting: Issues & Trends in Australia, seminar for the Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. 2006, The Role of the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office, seminar for staff from the Vietnamese Association of Certified Public Accountants.
Bayley, S. 2006, Effective Evaluation Practice: Lessons from Experience, seminar, Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. 2006, Accountability Trends and Performance Indicators for Sustainable Development, seminar for the Centre for Public Sector Sustainability Reporting, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. 2005, Introduction to Performance Auditing, presentation at the Public Sector Auditing Conference in Singapore.
Bayley, S. 2005, Evaluating the Provision of Policy Advice, presentation at the joint CES/AEA international evaluation conference, Toronto Canada.
Bayley, S. 2005, An Introduction to Performance Auditing, seminar for staff from the Iraq Board of Supreme Audit.
Bayley, S. 2004, Evaluation Recommendations: Do They Measure Up? seminar for the Victorian Branch of the Australasian Evaluation Society, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. 2004, Mental Health Services for People in Crisis: An Evaluation, seminar for the Victorian College of Community Psychology, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. 2003, Ten Challenges for External Evaluators, seminar for the Victorian Branch of the Australasian Evaluation Society, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. 2003, Improving Quality Through Service Audits: 10 Challenges for the External Auditor, presentation at the National Health Care Complaints Conference, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2003, Mental Health Services in Victoria, seminar for the Victorian Branch of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatry, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. 2002, An Introduction to Performance Auditing, seminar for the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee of Zambia.
Bayley, S. 2002, Why Government Programs Fail, seminar for the Office of the Auditor General, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. 2002, Introduction to Performance Auditing, presentation at the Public Sector Auditing Conference in Singapore.
Bayley, S. 2001, Developing and Auditing KPIs in the Western Australian Public Sector, presentation at the Asian Business Forum Conference in Singapore.
Bayley, S. 2000, Meeting the Needs of Multiple Stakeholders, paper presented at the Australasian Evaluation Society’s international conference in Geelong Victoria.
Bayley, S. 1998, Efficiency vs Equity: A Necessary Trade-Off? seminar paper, Murdoch University, Perth.
Bayley, S. 1993, The Shunchang Cement Factory Project: A Critique of AIDAB's Evaluation, seminar paper, Australasian Evaluation Society, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 1990, Problems in Personality Measurement, seminar paper, Australian Psychological Society, Darwin.
Bayley, S. 1989, Adolescence in Context, seminar paper, Department of Health and Community Services, Darwin Australia.
Bayley, S. 1988, Avoiding Burnout - Suggestions for Helping Professionals, seminar paper, Department of Health and Community Services, Darwin.
Bayley, S. 2024, Better Grants Management with Program Logic Models and KPIs, a series of training workshops for all policy areas within the Department of Health and Aged Care, Canberra.
Bayley, S. & Cummings, R. 2023, Program Logic, Monitoring and Evaluation, two day workshop for the ACT government’s Health Directorate, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2023, An Introduction to Theories of Change, a series of seven workshops for the National Indigenous Australian Agency, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2023, Help! I’m Doing an Impact Evaluation, What Evidence do I Need? Mini workshop for the Australian Evaluation Society, Adelaide.
Bayley, S. 2023, Introduction to Impact Evaluation: and the evidence you will need to do one, workshop for the Treasury and Economic Development Directorate, ACT Government.
Bayley, S. 2022, Theory of Change for Emergency Health Responses, workshop for the Department of Health, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2022, Data Storytelling, workshop for the Department of Health, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2022, Theory of Change for the National Food Security Strategy, workshop for the National Reference Group and National Indigenous Australia Agency, Brisbane.
Bayley, S. et al 2021, Writing Performance Stories, workshop for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Indonesia, IOD PARC.
Bayley, S. et al 2021, Executive Champions workshops: Building evaluation and culture across the ACT public service, University of Technology Sydney.
Bayley, S. et al 2021, Evidence and Evaluation Academy (a series of workshops and mentoring support for public servants in the ACT government), University of Technology Sydney.
Bayley, S., Owen, J. and R. Cummings 2018, Evaluative Thinking as Capacity Building – Resilience in Action, workshop for the European Evaluation Society Conference, Greece.
Bayley, S. et al 2018, Program Logic for DFAT Staff and Partners, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2018, Monitoring and Evaluation Practice in DFAT, workshop for managing contractors, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al 2018, A Program Logic for the Myanmar Humanitarian Program, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2018, Guidance and Standards in the Australian Aid Program, training materials, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2018, How Leaders Can Demonstrate Their Support for Evaluation, training materials, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2018, Standards in the Australian Aid Program, mini workshop for Abt Associates, Jakarta.
Bayley, S. et al, 2018, Monitoring and Evaluation Practice in DFAT, training workshop, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Bangkok.
Bayley, S. et al 2018, Moderating Aid Quality Reporting, workshop series, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2017, Design of the Law and Justice Program, mini workshop for Cardno PNG and Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Port Moresby.
Bayley, S. et al, 2017, Monitoring and Evaluation Practice, training workshop, Pacific Community, Suva.
Bayley, S. 2017, I’m Doing an Impact Evaluation, What Evidence do I Need? mini workshop at the Australasian Evaluation Society Conference, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2017, Introduction to the Aid Management Cycle, training workshop, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2017, Monitoring and Evaluation Practice in DFAT, training workshop, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2017, Aid Quality Checks - Workshop in a Box, a training package for delivery at Australian Embassies, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2017, Monitoring and Evaluation Practice in DFAT, training workshop, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Jakarta.
Bayley, S. et al, 2017, Managing Investment Design in DFAT, training workshop, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Jakarta.
Bayley, S. 2016, Help! I’m Doing an Impact Evaluation, What Evidence do I Need? workshop at the Australasian Evaluation Society Conference, Perth.
Bayley, S. et al, 2016, Monitoring and Evaluation Practice in DFAT, training workshop, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Colombo.
Bayley, S. et al, 2016, Managing Investment Design in DFAT, training workshop, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Colombo.
Bayley, S. 2016, Conducting Annual Aid Quality Checks, training workshop on quality assurance in the aid program, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2016, Effective Aid Planning: An Introduction to Program Logic, training workshop, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2016, Monitoring and Evaluation Practice in DFAT, training workshop, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2015, Monitoring and Evaluation Practice in DFAT, training workshop, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2015, Evaluations that Make a Difference, workshop at the Australasian Evaluation Society Conference, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. et al, 2014, Monitoring and Evaluation Practice in DFAT, training workshop, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al 2014, Program Logic Workshop for the Attorney General’s Department, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2013, Research Designs for Impact Evaluation, workshop, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S. and Cummings, R. 2013, Performance Measurement and Use: Theory and Practice in Evaluation, workshop at the Australasian Evaluation Society conference, Brisbane.
Bayley, S. et al, 2013, Effective Aid Planning: An Introduction to Program Logic, training workshop, AusAID, Canberra.
Bayley, S. et al, 2013, Monitoring and Evaluation Practice in AusAID, training workshop, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.
Bayley, S., Owen, J. and R. Cummings, 2012, Performance Measurement and Use: Practice and Theory in Evaluation, workshop for the European Evaluation Society Conference, Helsinki.
Bayley, S. 2012, The Role of Evaluation in Managing for Results, workshop presentation for the EvalMENA conference, Beirut.
Bayley, S., Owen, J. and R. Cummings, 2012, Performance Measurement and Use: Theory and Practice in Evaluation, workshop for the Australasian Evaluation Society Conference, Adelaide.
Bayley, S. 2011, Developing Performance Indicators, workshop for the Department of Human Services, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. 2010, Causal Analysis Using Statistical Models, workshop, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. 2009, Evidence Requirements for Evaluating Program Impacts, workshop for the Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Bayley, S. 2006, An Introduction to Performance Auditing, workshop for staff from the Guangdong Provincial Audit Office, China.
Bayley, S. 2006, Evidence Requirements for Evaluating Program Impacts, workshop for the Department of Primary Industries and the Department of Sustainability and the Environment, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. 2006, An Introduction to Performance Auditing, workshop for the Supreme Audit Institution of Bangladesh.
Bayley, S. 2005, Evaluating Impacts, Developing Conclusions and Recommendations, workshop for the Office of Evaluation and Audit, Commonwealth Department of Finance, Canberra.
Bayley, S. 2005, Developing and Auditing Key Performance Indicators, workshop for the Department of Primary Industries, Melbourne.
Bayley, S. 2004, An Introduction to Performance Evaluation, workshop for staff from the National Audit Office of China.
Bayley, S. et al, 2002, Designing Quality Evaluation Studies, workshop presentation at the Australasian Evaluation Society’s international conference in Wollongong NSW.
Bayley, S. 2001, Research Designs for Evaluating Program Impacts, workshop presentation at the Australasian Evaluation Society’s international conference in Canberra ACT.
Bayley, S. 1998, Statistical Analysis, workshop, Office of the Auditor General, Perth.
Bayley, S. 1997, Sampling Methods, workshop, Office of the Auditor General, Perth.
Bayley, S. 1995, Examining Program Effectiveness - The Role of Causal Analysis and Research Designs, workshop, Office of the Auditor General, Perth.